Special Italian living room furniture

The center of our home, the living room

During our stay at home, we spend most of our time in the living room. Here we relax from the worries of everyday life, we play with our children, sit together for watching television in the evening, welcome our guests, and this room is usually also the place for celebration and parties. The living room performs many tasks which can be a big challenge for the owners. It can be airy or crowded – according to our taste and opportunities –, but they all have one thing in common: it is important that we feel good in here. It has to be a place where we can truly relax, and where also our beloved ones can feel comfortable. Of course it depends also on what style we like, since it reflects our way of life, our personality. In fact, the success of the arrangement can be measured primarily.

Our Italian furniture bring timeless elegance and unique quality to your living room. See our offer!

Modern style is characterized by a certain degree of distance precision. Nevertheless, compared to the minimum, it has a much more homely and warm atmosphere. Each piece of equipment has a purpose and purpose. Carefully designed, practical pieces, airiness and practicality characterize the trend. The decoration is clean, large, functional, and the furniture is cleanly lined and durable, so the overall effect gives the impression of spaciousness. Its colors are dominated by natural shades, complemented by a patch of color. It is characterized by the use of metal, wood, glass, stone and artificial materials. In this trend, square, sharp lines and rounded, curved shapes can be perfectly mixed.

Rustic style is favored for its natural, homely, warm atmosphere. It is characterized by roughly machined, untreated, raw-acting surfaces. Its main materials are stone and wood. It is a great choice in bourgeois flats and detached houses, but folk motifs or a fireplace go well with it.

Classic style, with its solid wood furniture, crystal chandeliers and marble fireplaces suggests nobility, elegance and moderation. The interior is precisely designed and regular. It is characterized by the use of larger, compact, high-quality objects and furniture, whether antique or antique. It is best used in spacious, hall-like spaces, high-ceilinged homes, but can be designed anywhere with the right expertise.