Help for online shopping

Help for online shopping

Dear Visitor!

Since not everyone has a routine in the world of online shopping, we have created a simple and hopefully useful and funny video that summarizes the shopping process. Naturally, if you have any questions, we are at your disposal at any of our contact details! We accept your order in e-mail ( and by phone (+36 30 452 7325) as well.



So you can get the product by:

  • pick up in person in our store in Budapest (1225 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 67.), or at any of our almost 30 partners
  • home delivery (with or without assembly) for which we give you a special offer during the ordering process.


We are flexible in payment as well:

  • you can also pay in arrears upon receipt of the product in cash: in this case we want you to transfer 30% of the total amount of the order to our bank account number
  • you can pay guaranteed safe, with online credit card: for technical reasons, you will have to pay the full amount of the purchase
  • you can require Online Loan Payment in minutes: buy now and pay later!


Please note that the General Terms and Conditions on the website, the terms and conditions of the Cetelem Online Loan Payment and the terms and conditions of Barion and CIB credit card payments are valid during the purchase!