Cetelem Online Credit

Hiteligénylés menete

Apply for a loan in 5 minutes, with instant credit evaluation, conveniently from home


Okmányok előkészítése Prepare your documents!

 What you will need

  • Valid permanent identity card or valid identity card and address card issued by a Hungarian authority


  • Valid passport and address card
  • Valid tax ID


Nyomtassa ki az adminisztrációs lapot Do you want to be sure when filling out a loan application?

  • Open on your computer or print the online loan application guide if necessary.
  • Keep this page open as well and use it when applying online

Kérdés esetén hívjon Are you stuck? Do you have any questions?

  • Read the help or call us on +36 30 452 7325 phone number


Our loan offer


Áruhitel Loan reference rate APR 5.75% in case of a loan amount of HUF 500,000 and a term of 24 months.

The reference APR was determined by way of derogation from Section 9 (1) of Government Decree 83/2010 (lll.25.) On the determination, calculation and publication of the total loan fee ratio, taking into account the available loan amount and maturity available for the loan type.
Fixed annual transaction rate: 5.60%. Management fee: HUF 0. Term: 6, 10, 12 or 24. The loan amount that can be applied for can range from HUF 25,000 to HUF 1,000,000. Deductible, optional, but may vary based on customer choice and/or credit score.


Hitel felvétel példa Representative example for a purchase price of HUF 500,000:

  Deductible: 0 HUF   Management fee: 0 HUF
  Loan amount: 500,000 HUF   Reference APR: 5.75%
  Term: 24 months   Monthly installment: 22,070 HUF
  Fixed annual transaction rate: 5.60%   Total amount to be paid (without deductible): 529,680 HUF



Mobili Italiani Kft is the loan intermediary of Magyar Cetelem Zrt (Bank). Further details in the general terms and conditions and the relevant notices. https://www.cetelem.hu/segedlet/dokumentumok

Valid from July 22, 2020 until cancellation.


Conditions and documents


 Loan applications can be submitted to our Bank by all persons who meet the following requirements:

  • Natural person
  • Turned 18 years old
  • Permanent address in Hungary
  • Proven regular income
  • Direct access by landline or prepaid mobile phone at residence address
  • In the case of employees, direct contact at work or at the place of work by telephone
  • Active employment, not on probation or notice


Szükséges dokumentumok Documents necessary to verify the data required for the loan assessment:

  1. Documents certifying the identity and address
    • Valid permanent identity card or valid identity card and address card issued by a Hungarian authority, driving license and address card in a new type of card format, or
    • Valid passport and address card
  2.  Other documents
    • Valid tax ID
  3. Documents certifying the income

  If you are an employee

 Employer's certificate for an indefinite-term or fixed-term employment relationship not older than 30 days, spent at least 3 months with the same employer (form of Magyar Cetelem Zrt. or other employer certificate containing data on the form of Magyar Cetelem Zrt.)

 If you are self-empoyed or a business owner

 In the case of entrepreneurs - the owner of a business company, a non-employee manager, self-employed and an employee of a family business - a certificate of income from the tax authority.

 If you are a primary producer

 In case of primary producers the proof of income from a tax authority

 If you are retired

ULast pension voucher, or an extract from a payment account (bank account) not older than two months, which contains the borrower's pension in a way that can be determined in terms of title and amount, and which is a regular pension card,

Or the sum of the amount of the pension at the beginning of the year in question.

In the case of invalidity or rehabilitation benefits, a decision on the establishment of invalidity or rehabilitation benefits, which shall include the establishment of benefits for at least the same duration as the requested period.


In addition to the above, the Bank may request the attachment of additional documents. In the case of other income replacement benefits, the Bank decides on creditworthiness on an individual basis.

Szükséges dokumentumok In the absence of an employer's certificate - depending on the decision of the Bank - documents essential for the verification of the data required for the credit assessment: documents essential for the verification of the data required for the credit assessment:

  1. Documents certifying identity and address
    • A valid permanent identity card issued by a Hungarian authority, or a valid identity card and address card, a new type of card format driving license and address card, or
    • Valid passport and address card
  2.  Other documents
    • Valid tax ID
  3. Documents certifying the income
    • Statement of the last 3 months of the bank account, which includes the income of the loan applicant from active employment for at least 3 months with the same employer, in both title and amount, in the name of the client and / or debtor and the address (es) given in the loan application re about.
    • In case of a pension certificate, the last monthly bank statement is required.


In addition to the above, the Bank may request the attachment of additional documents. In the case of a construction without an employer certificate, the owner of a business company, his non-employee manager, self-employed and employee of a family business are not entitled to apply for a loan.

Only the forms regularized by Magyar Cetelem Zrt. can be used for the loan application. The condition of the credit assessment is the accurate and complete completion and signing of the forms; in order to conclude the loan agreement, it is always necessary to submit all the documents requested by the Bank. Magyar Cetelem Zrt. reserves the right to credit assessment.


Downloadable documents





  • Information on the risks of over-indebtedness:


  • Cetelem documents:



Presentation of the effects of income change



The expected change in the ratio of the installment to regular income
as a function of regular income and interest.
Loan type: Trade loan
Loan amount: 500,000 HUF
Term of the loan: 12 months
Loan interest: 5.60%
Amount of installment: 42,491 HUF
  Increase of interest rates
Change of regular income 0% 1% 2% 3%
-30% change 178,854 HUF 24.0% The Bank provides loans with a fixed interest rate throughout the term!
-20% change 204,405 HUF 21.0%
-10% change 229,955 HUF 18.7%
0% change 255,506 HUF 16.8%
+10% change 281,057 HUF 15.3%
+20% change 306,607 HUF 14.0%
+30% change 332,158 HUF 12.9%


Agent information


 Company name: Mobili Italani Kft.

 Seat: 1225 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 67.

 Mailing address: 1225 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 67.

 Designation of supervisory authority Magyar Nemzeti Bank (central mailing address: 1850 Budapest, Central phone number: (36-1) 428-2600, central fax: (36-1) 429-8000, E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@mnb.hu

 Our company is included in the register of intermediaries kept by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. The register can be checked through the above contacts or on the website www.mnb.hu

 As a dependent intermediary, our company acts in the name and for the benefit of the client of Magyar Cetelem Zrt., represents the interests of the client,

 Our company does not receive an intermediary fee for concluding a financial services contract.

 Our company does not provide personalized recommendations (credit counseling) related to mortgage loans or financial leasing of real estate provided to the consumer - separate from the provision of credit and cash loans, financial leasing and financial intermediation.

 Our Company and the client of Magyar Cetelem Zrt. ensure that the customer can submit a complaint about the conduct, activities or omissions of our Company orally (in person, by telephone) or in writing (by a document delivered in person or by other means, by post, fax or e-mail).

Magyar Cetelem Zrt. continuously receives written complaints at its registered office every working day from 8 am to 4 pm, oral complaints communicated by telephone every working day and one working day of the week (Monday) from 8 am to 8 pm. Magyar Cetelem Zrt. will immediately investigate the oral complaint and resolve it if necessary. Magyar Cetelem Zrt. will send its reasoned position on the written complaint to the customer within 30 days of the notification of the complaint. The competence of the Financial Conciliation Board includes the out-of-court settlement of disputes related to the establishment and performance of the legal relationship related to the use of the service. To this end, the Financial Conciliation Board will seek to reach an agreement, failing which it will take a decision on the matter to ensure that consumer rights are enforced easily, quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

 Our company does not charge a fee to the client for other services that do not qualify as financial intermediation.

 Designation of supervisory authority: Magyar Nemzeti Bank (central mailing address: 1850 Budapest, central phone number: (36-1) 428-2600, central fax: (36-1) 429-8000, E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@mnb.hu ugyfelszolgalat@mnb.hu

 Our company is included in the register of intermediaries kept by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. The register can be checked through the above contacts or on the website www.mnb.hu

 As a dependent intermediary, our company acts in the name and for the benefit of the client of Magyar Cetelem Zrt., represents the interests of the client,

 Our company complies with Act LIII of 2017 on the prevention and deterrence of money laundering and terrorist financing. receives a fee for carrying out the personal identification of the Clients in accordance with the law.

 Our company does not provide personalized recommendations (credit counseling) related to mortgage loans or financial leasing of real estate provided to the consumer - separate from the provision of credit and cash loans, financial leasing and financial intermediation.

 The principal of Magyar Cetelem Zrt. ensures that the customer can communicate his complaint regarding the conduct, activities or omissions of our Company orally (in person, by telephone) or in writing (by a document handed over in person or by others, by post, fax, e-mail).

 Magyar Cetelem Zrt. continuously receives written complaints at its registered office every working day from 8 am to 4 pm, oral complaints communicated by telephone every working day and one working day of the week (Monday) from 8 am to 8 pm. Magyar Cetelem Zrt. will immediately investigate the oral complaint and resolve it if necessary. Magyar Cetelem Zrt. will send its reasoned position on the written complaint to the customer within 30 days of the notification of the complaint. The competence of the Financial Conciliation Board includes the out-of-court settlement of disputes related to the establishment and performance of the legal relationship related to the use of the service. To this end, the Financial Conciliation Board will seek to reach an agreement, failing which it will take a decision on the matter to ensure that consumer rights are enforced easily, quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.